The JBuS

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About the JBuS

From classical dance to contemporary dance as well as jazz and urban influences, the Jeune Ballet universitaire de Strasbourg (JBuS), founded in 2020, is a dance association that draws its strength from learning to perform and meeting the public.

The JBuS association shines a light on performing arts and dance within the university of Strasbourg through through the implementation of multidisciplinary artistic projects of excellence. At the same time, student dancers, as well as community managers, video makers, photographs, graphic designers, scenographers, costume designers or even stage managers will be able to benefit from a rich and strong experience during their studies.

History and goals of the association

Founded in september 2020 at the initiative of Nathalie Boudet and Sylvie Boistelle, head of the Performing Arts degree – double major in dance, the Jeune Ballet universitaire de Strasbourg (JBuS) is an association under the law of 1901 whose primary aim is the promotion of dance, but that’s not it! The association also brings talented and experienced young dancers to the forefront in a dynamic of learning, creation and artistic emergence. It notably allows these young artists to become aware of the stage, supervised by professional choreographers and technicians.

Prospects and missions of the JBuS

Financial supports allow us, in the present day and the future, to develop ambitious and demanding projects such as:

  • The meeting of amateurs and professionals in the form of artist residencies;
  • An annual programme of choreographic projects;
  • The establishment of a choreographic directory;
  • The participation to university events;
  • In the long run, an international opening through the development of university exchanges that contribute to the influence of the University of Strasbourg.

Dancers and members of the association

A passionate and devoted team is at the core of the association. It indeed works in a collective and collaborative mindset to undertake successful missions. So, are you ready to embark on this adventure ?

Following some auditions, the JBuS has recruited during the year 2021 – 2022 eighteen new amateur and semi-professionals dancers, as well as one community manager and a graphic designer. To this day, the Jeune Ballet universitaire de Strasbourg has nearly twenty students from different components.

Do you know how to join us?


Finally, here is the team of the current dancers of the JBuS. Together they form a multi-faceted troupe with diverse artistic influences: jazz, classical and contemporary dance, music and theatre, reflecting the richness and heterogeneity of the personalities involved.

Board members

Alongside the dancers are the members of the office who contribute to the success of the association. Nathalie Boudet, Sylvie Boistelle, Dimana Borissova, Jeanne Carray, Loana Del Rabal, Lili Plyer and Daphnée Poisson are the founding members. It is indeed they who have written the articles of the JBuS. On the other hand, they prepare and monitor funding applications.

Communication team

Finally, the communication team develops a singular artistic identity fed by the different training of its members (photography, video production, graphic design, theatre and/or dance).

There we go, you have now made acquaintances with the entire team!

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